Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010, Easter Sunday

For the past 25 plus years, my dear friend Marilyn has hosted a Treasure Hunt & Brunch on Easter Sunday. She composes clues and we wander through her neighborhood (carrying our cups of coffee...or mimosas...) following the clues until we arrive at the "treasure"--which is always a set of homemade costumes for all of us to don...bunny costumes but with a timely theme. We have been Teenage Mutant Ninja Bunnies, Clinton Bunnies, Health Care Bunnies and the list goes on. Today we were Bank Bailout Bunnies.

In honor of this most enjoyable event, I thought it only right to publish her clues from today's hunt. Enjoy!

Clue 1
Go to the corner and look around
A house has been razed clear to the ground
A vacant lot with plans a'posted
Buy it now, the owner's toasted.

Clue 2
Head down the alley and hurry up
The rain is a'comin' and we want to sup
Look for flowers to match the cones
Odd juxtaposition
nature/construction zones

Clue 3
Puffy and snowy, these flowers grow
Cause sneezing and coughing
and nose to blow
Don't look down, that's now where they are
A little bit higher and not too far

Clue 4
Desperate Housewives must live by here
the name of their lane, this flower is near
It twines a bit wild and scents the air
Find the next clue, if you dare.

Clue 5
Walk quietly by the church today
Turn left at the sidewalk, continue to play
An Easter tree, fronds to wave
Don't pick any now, 'tis better to save.

Clue 6
Cross the street and continue along
Find a pole and burst into song
Not the pole, but what holds it still
Look for the clue, you'll find it, you will.

Clue 7
Reflect awhile before turning left
If you can't find the clue, you'll be bereft
Why are these stripes here?
They must have some meaning
Must be for safety, to prevent a beaning.

Clue 8
Turn again for a very short walk
Look for snow, oh not snow, don't squawk
dig around to see what you'll find
The neighbors will think you're out of your mind.

Clue 9
Letters are sprayed in bright lime green
I guess someone wanted to be seen
Mary, Helen, Moe or Harry?
Not sure who tagged, but not too scary.

Clue 10
Sugar pine, but pruned
I think that's the wood
Don't know my conifers as well as I should
Walk a bit, then run, then trot
Brunch is nearing and dishes are hot.

Clue 11
All we are saying is give_______a chance
Sing like the Beatles and do a dance
More tagging we find, but pax the the theme
Good message today
It's right on the beam

Clue 12
Cross once more and head for home
No more allies, too rainy to roam
But look for succulent and think of brunch
Food or cactus, do you have a hunch?

Clue 13
Did you save every clue?
It's important to know
Recycle for next year
Or maybe just show
Or maybe the costumes are waiting to wear
Or maybe
Be careful when donning,
They just might tear.

--Marilyn K. Errett

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